Monday, October 7, 2013

So, I'm sitting in my first discussion of my Film 100: Film Theory class, when my GSI asks the "What's your favorite movie?" question which is quite typical of film classes.  Personally, I never have an answer, because my favorite film changes day by day as I get introduced to a multitude of new, new, new films.  However, what I found was interesting, is that in a small class of about 15 students, all film majors, two people answered with a Kubrick film.  One picked The Shining while another picked Dr. Strangelove.  What an amazing thing, to see Kubrick films as timeless and loved so much, that they are chosen beyond any other film.

I love Kubrick, I absolutely love his work, and so far, seeing his earlier stuff (which I have never gotten around to), I'm enjoying seeing the threads that make a film Kubrickian.

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