Thursday, December 12, 2013

afro woman

I'll be perfectly honest and say I'm still vaguely confused by Eyes Wide Shut. This is Kubrick's last, final work, and although I do get a sense of Kubrick throughout the film, it doesn't feel like something that should represent his oeuvre as a whole. Especially since at times it felt like a Woody Allen film, with love triangles, famous actors, Jewish themes, and a classic score. Maybe I'm just insane for seeing such parallels. Like Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut carries an emphasis on the idea of infidelity, marriage, what it means to be respected and successful. There were also many essences of A Clockwork Orange and The Shining due to a grotesque, uncanny atmosphere.

I'm wondering what the connection is between a nude woman with an afro is in A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut. This figure has appeared in these instance, growing more prominent in Eyes Wide Shut, because she goes take the form of a real woman rather than being trapped as a picture. Yet she is killed.

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